Close the MDX Console anc clik on the Download link to see the Mondrian's XML schema file:
And open the XML file with some text editor:
language | xml |
title | Mondrian Schema |
Open the Demo.xml file with some text viewer. You are seeing the scheme built by the Analytics Server app. You can edit and modify it to meet your particular requriments. This requires some adavance knowledge about the Mondrian 4 sheme specification. Then upload the modifications to replace the existing scheme with your custom version. You can add new dimensions and measures, rename them (to localize captions, etc). If you watch the Demo.xml file contents in detail you will see a lot of SQL queries to define the physical schema. All of those SQL queries are built with the SQL for Jira Driver app available on the Marketplace. And a free edition of the Driver runtime is included in the Analytis server app to resolve the SQL queries performed by the Mondrian engine. In this way, Mondrian schemes become independent of the Jira native database. Just the same Mondrian schema works with H2, Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL with no changes.
What if you want to modify all the schemes to support a new measure and dimension? Must you edit and modify them one by one? The answer is not. You can modify the template in Jira, so all the new catalogs will use your custom template with your modifications.
But let us please continue with this example. Click on the Analytics link to load the scheme in the Analytics Client (Saiku) again:
Note that the Saiku's Cubes section lists all the Mondrian schemes (AKA MDX Catalogs) names (Demo) along with the Jira user name (admin in this example):
But wait, a MDX querie showing eight done stories was already performed. Is that MDX query gone? Do you have to repeat all the steps every time to restore a previous MDX query? The answer is no. You can load a previously saved MDX queeri in Saiku again by clicking on the Load button:
Double click on the Demo catalog to load it again into Saiku by restoring its previous saved state:
The eight done stores are now listed again!.
This tutorial is ended up. What did you learn?
- Load JQL queries into the Saiku console for analytics
- Work with dimension and measures to analyze data
- Drill down data to see details
- Save schemes (catalogs) in Jira
- Open catalogs via XMLA (with the console)
- Modify catalogs to meet your requirements
- Load catalogs in Saiku and restory previous saved state