We have to track progress by summarizing resolved vs unresolved issues.
Fetching more data from JIRA and binding them to the Table item
We need data to make any report those data obviously, therefore we need to fetch some data from JIRA in order to know whether an issue is resolved or not.
Click on the OK button to close the New Data Binding dialog. The Data Set's Resolved column is now binded to the Table:
Visualizing Resolved data as striketrhough issues
Once the data are binded to the item, we can use them. We will add a striketrhough line for the resolved issues instead of a new column on the table: edit the Issue Dynamic Text on the Table and replace the Javascrit from:
Preview the results: when the issue is Done then is displayed with a strikethrough line:
Aggregating data
We want to count the resolved and unresolved issues: With the Table selected in the Outline view and the Binding tab on the Properties Editor, click on the Add Aggregaton... button, the click on the button to open the Expression Builder and type:
row["Resolved"] = true
Repeat the process described above and add a new aggragtion named Count Unresolved for the unresolved issues
row["Resolved"] == false
and check that both aggregations have been added as bindings on the Table item:
Now, our table counts resolved and unresolved issues, but the result is displayed nowhere. We have to add some visualization for that: Drag&drop a Data item from the Palette view into a Table's Footer cell. This will automatically open the New Binding Dialog as show below. Fill out the Column Binding and Display names to Footer Progress and keep the default Data Type (String). Then click on the button to open the Expression Builder dialog and type the following expression:
"Resolved vs Unresolved: " + row["Count Resolved"] + "/" + row["Count Unresolved"]
Close all the dialogs, run the report and navigate to the latest page to see the Table's Footer and the Resolved vs Unresolved amounts:
You could have achieved the same resuls by using the Aggregation Item in the Palette's Quick Tools:
Adding a Progress Bar
Data on the Table is not grouped. Therefore we used the Data Set as input for the Pie Chart to group by Type. Data can also be grouped on tables: Select the Table item on the Outline view. Then expand its childen to see the Groups. Right click on it and select Inser group:
Fill out the Name (Table Group by Type) and select the Type the Group on option. The dialog will automatically fill the Item Expression with the binded data (row["Type"]):