Versions Compared


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The JIRA Core cube works on a JQL and is launched from the issue navigator. All the calculations made will refer to the JQL issues.

titleJQL is required

JQL is required to load the JIRA Core cube.

The JIRA Core cube works separately with the issues, and extracts information from them without taking into account hierarchies.


There are three basic dimensions that constitute a hierarchy: Epic --> Issues --> Subtask. 


Epics of the board.Issue type Epic.

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Issues included in the epicStandard issue types, except epic type.

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SubtaskSubtasks of the issues included in the epicsSubtask issue types.

Any calculation on one of these dimensions will include the data of its descendants in the hierarchy.


EpicsIssuesSubtaksVersionsSprintsStory PointsEpic StatusWorklogsTransitionsLinksLabelsComponentsComments{Custom Field X}


Count Epics
Count Issues
Count Subtask
Sum Estimated Time
Sum Remaining Time
Count Sprints
Count Different Versions
Count Total Versions
Count Worklogs
Sum Time Spent
Count Transitions
Sum Time in Status From
Min Story Points
Max Story Points
Sum Story Points
Avg Stroy Points
Count Num. Links
Count Linked Issues
Count Link Types
Count Different Labels
Count Total Labels
Count Different Components
Count Total Components
Count Comments
{Min Custom Field Number}
{Max Custom Field Number}
{Sum Custom Field Number}
{Avg Custom Field Number}

3. Custom Metrics.

You can create your own metrics through the integrated MDX editor. In this way you can adapt Analytics to your needs.

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3.1. Calculating Percentages.

You can easily calculate the percentages of your metrics through the integrated MDX editor.

For example, if you wanted to know the percentage of story points resolved for each epic.



1. Calculate the story points of each epic.

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2. Add an calculated percentage metric.

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3. The calculated metric will be added to the available metrics.

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4. References

[1] Saiku Documentation

[2] Analysis Services Language Reference
