This function convert imageURL into image icon.

So aregisters (in all tables), that contain URL can be converted into images with the help of this function

Try this: No formatting

SELECT i.`KEY` as `Issue`, it.ICONURL as `Type icon`, it.NAME as `Type`, ip.ICONURL as `Priority icon`, ip.NAME as `Priority` FROM ISSUE i JOIN ISSUETYPE it on it.ID=i.TYPEID JOIN ISSUEPRIORITY ip on ip.ID=i.PRIORITYID WHERE JQL='assignee = currentUser()'


And now Try this: with function IMG

SELECT i.`KEY` as `Issue`, IMG(it.ICONURL, 16,16,it.NAME) as `Type`, IMG(ip.ICONURL,16,16 ) as `Priority` FROM ISSUE i JOIN ISSUETYPE it on it.ID=i.TYPEID JOIN ISSUEPRIORITY ip on ip.ID=i.PRIORITYID WHERE JQL='assignee = currentUser()'