How many issues can be potentially stored on a Jira instance? Millions. of course. So, do you realize how much reckless would be running this query?
select * from ISSUE
It does not make any sense allowing the users to run such reckless queries. So the app introduces some column constraints to avoid them:
A Full scan error is raised by the engine displaying the required columns to run: JQL and ID in this case.
Many built-in tables (AKA as dynamic tables) require some values to work. This might result a bit annoying for the users not used to this behavior at the beginning.
Tip: to discover the column constraints for a table, simple explore the table values as shown in the above example.
Full scans on many built-in tables are not allowed. Full scan means that the SQL engine requires to read all the data from the table to resolve the user’s query. This is not optimal and it could cause performance and other reliability issues on the Jira server or on the user’s browser. As mentioned, the engine introduces the concept of column constraints to force the user to set a limited scope for the table data and the query will be aborted with a full scan error raised by the engine if a full scan is detected on a constrained dynamic table.