Right click on the Data Sets element in the Data Explorer view and name it Reported Issues:
In next screen you have to provide a SQL for JIRA query. You can write it there directly even exploring the database schemes, tables and columns:
Or you might want to write it from the SQL fro JIRA Driver console (recommend for complex SQL queries or beginner users):
Use please the following SQL for JIRA quey:
select i.key as"Issue", i.summary as "Summary", t.name as "Type", t.url as "TypeUrl", s.name as "Status", c.colorname as "Status Color" from ISSUES i join ISSUETYPEDEFINITIONS t on t.id = i.typeid join ISSUESTATUSDEFINITIONS s on s.id = i.statusid join ISSUESTATUSCATEGORYDEFINITIONS c on c.id = s.categoryid where i.jql = 'reporter = currentUser()'