Data privacy
How does it meet with the most demanding requirements for data privacy? in the best possible way by not sharing any data with any third-party server!
All the data remains private between Jira and user’s browser. No data are sent anywhere else.
Since no data has been sent outside the user’s browser, your organization’s data remains secure as it has already been before, without increasing potential security risks that might compromise the data of your organization.
In addition, it runs in the security context of the current user, honoring the host application permissions (Jira).
It shares the same user’s HTTP session. Since it is based on the atlassian’s public REST API , it is not possible to bypass Jira's security implementation and accidentally read unauthorized data.
As it's a pure Javascript app, it runs on the user’s browser and reuses the user’s hardware tun to run the engine and resolve the queries. Therefore, it scales with the user base.
It doesn't require any third-party server to work. Therefore, it doesn’t introduce any new third-party potential point of failure, providing up times close to 100%. All files (javascript, html pages, etc) are hosted on Amazon’s CloudFront cache service distributed on several locations along the World.
Once it is downloaded and initialized locally, everything happens between Jira and the user’s browser.
It brings all the benefits and power of the SQL language into your organization with an implantation close to the SQL-99 specification.