User Interface & main steps
Elements of User interface:
Search Filter: Select (or type) a saved filter name from drop-down menu
Add Custom Fields: to the dimension list (5)
Include linked issues in the resulting domain: check on this option to include any linked issue (subtasks, core links, Epic, and Portfolio hierarchies) first level into the data set returned by the filter.
Apply: Click on this button to execute the filter and get the issues
Dimensions: A list with all the system and custom (2) fields supported to analyze the issues
Rows and Columns: Drag & drop fields from the dimensions into the rows and columns to build you custom dependency table
Zoom: adjust the dependency table content for an comfort overview
Aggregator: choose among Count issues or Sum a numeric field.
Links Filter: hide/show link types in the dependency table
Search issue: Search for an issue based on its key or summary and highlight the results on the canva
Export: the current dependency table configuration to Excel or create gadget and export to a Dashboard
Expand/Collapse: the header to increase the working area
The working area allows users to configure the content by drag&drop dimensions to the rows and columns of the dependency table.