How to navigate along Traceability Matrix Menu
Click on Select Filter.. link to bring up the Filter Picker dialog:
Search by filter name o select from tabs ¨Favorites¨ or ¨ Popular¨
choose the filters for rows and columns in autocomplete selects
2. Rows and the columns
Click on any cell to bring up an interactive dialog showing the current links with the option of "Delete" any regular link as well as a dialog at the bottom for new link creation.
Each cell having linked issues have an arrow. The arrows must be read from the rows to columns direction:
3. Links menu. Create and delete links
The Links Filter menu at the top left corner allows to show and hide links on the matrix accordingly their link type.
4. Resize and move matrix around the canva
If you have a big matrix you can downsize it or enlarge by clicking on martix and moving a mouse scroll button.
Holding left mouse button allows to move matrix all around canva.
5. Mark rows and columns. Time in status
Since version 5.4.1, you can mark rows and columns. This will help you easily identify links between particular issues, especially for large matrices.
To mark/unmark a row or column, simply double click on the information in the issue.
Double click on Issue status will open an pop-up window with ¨Time in status¨ report for a particular issue.
6. Export to Excel
The Matrix data can also been exported to Excel:
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