SQL Cloud - Query Builder
Visual query builder is represented with a list of tables that contain Jira.
Short tutorial
The icon for SQL Cloud Query Builder is situated below the Query Console:
Clicking on the query builder icon opens a new window with a working space, where you can build a query:
Each table contains a legend inside. Clicking on it you will see the description:
The primary Key is the required field.
You can insert or item ID or JQL (depending on what table you choose).
Here is the list of steps to build a query:
1. Choose a table that you want to execute by clicking on it
!!! JQL field: Please pay attention that single quotes 'abc' are already taken into account
2. You can insert an Alias for each table that you choose.
3. Select columns that you want to have in your final table by ticking the check box
4. Each column that is linked to another table has a “plus” sign on the right. Clicking on, it will open a linked table. Select columns from the linked tables by clicking on them.
5. To make JOINS with the selected table -click on the button “…” in the right upper corner of a selected table:
6. Select the table with which you need to make JOIN. In the opened window select the type of JOIN. Click “Save”. You can always change the JOIN type by clicking on the right upper corner of a table with which you settled JOIN.
Depending on the selected type of JOINs, your visual scheme will reflect them with colored lines:
INNER JOIN - “--------------“
LEFT JOIN - “--------------“
RIGHT JOIN - “--------------“
7. Run your query by clicking the “run” button
8. In the field below the selected tables will appear preview of your built table. If the result serves you - close the window of the Query builder, and in the dialog window select “Copy and Exit”. It will copy your query to the Console window where you will get all results.
9. It will bring you to the Console window where you need to click on the “run” button to execute the query.