Actually the report uses the following JQL query in the Data Set:
reporter = currentUser()
What if this could be set by the user at run time? In that way, the report would become a generic report to analyze issue types for any JQL!. It is worth spending a bit more time to get so much great benefit: Double click on the Report Parameters element in the Data Explorer view to open the New Parameter dialog and fill out the data as shown in the following picture:
Run the report and see the Parameters dialog in action:
Well, we need to connect it to the Data Set now: From the Data Explorer view, double click on the Reported Issues Data Set and replace the JQL query by a question ? symbol.
The resulting SQL is:
select i.key as"Issue", i.summary as "Summary", as "Type", t.url as "TypeUrl", as "Status", c.colorname as "Status Color", i.resolutionid is not NULL as "Resolved" from ISSUES i join ISSUETYPEDEFINITIONS t on = i.typeid join ISSUESTATUSDEFINITIONS s on = i.statusid join ISSUESTATUSCATEGORYDEFINITIONS c on = s.categoryid where i.jql = ?