Chapter 15 - Input parameters

Chapter 15 - Input parameters

Actually the report uses the following JQL query in the Data Set:

reporter = currentUser()

What if this could be set by the user at run time? In that way, the report would become a generic report to analyze issue types for any JQL!. It is worth spending a bit more time to get so much great benefit: Double click on the Report Parameters element in the Data Explorer view to open the New Parameter dialog and fill out the data as shown in the following picture:

Run the report and see the Parameters dialog in action:

Well, we need to connect it to the Data Set now: From the Data Explorer view, double click on the Reported Issues Data Set and replace the JQL query by a question ? symbol.

The resulting SQL is:

  i.key as"Issue",
  i.summary as "Summary",
  t.name as "Type", t.url as "TypeUrl",
  s.name as "Status",
  c.colorname as "Status Color", 
  i.resolutionid is not NULL as "Resolved"
  ISSUETYPEDEFINITIONS t on t.id = i.typeid
  ISSUESTATUSDEFINITIONS s on s.id = i.statusid
  i.jql = ?

Note that the paramter is not enclosed within single quotes. 

Select the Parameters element in the list on the left, then click on the New... buton and fill aout the data in the form as shown below:

Run and test the report by providing your own JQL. In our particular case, we provided:

project = SSP

And the report is automatically adapted to the new JQL value:

Perhaps you are wondering... what about the JIRA Dashboards or Confluence pages? How to set the JQL parameter there? It's quite easy. First encode the JQL by using some thid party tool like this:

Edit the gadget and provide the parameters as part of a URL


What is the 


above? It is required by the BIRT viewer to do not open the paramters dialog. You can find more information about the supported BIRT viewer's URL parameters in this page.

The End


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