Matrix View

Matrix View

Links Matrix View gadget (Server/DC) or Links Traceability Matrix (Cloud)

Provide filter IDs in DC/Server version or select filter from drop-down menu in CLOUD version, for rows and columns in the matrix:



Since version 7.1.0  you can set editable or non-editable mode for Matrix:

  • Editable mode: works in a similar way as before, except that now you can indicate to the matrix what types of links you want to see when it is displayed.
    How does it work?  Every time you modify "Links Filter", the filters will be automatically stored if you are the owner of the dashboard or have permission to edit it.

  • Non-editable mode: "Links Filter" will not be displayed and you will not be able to create or delete links from the matrix.

More information about settings and functions of Matrix you will find here:


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