Links Hierarchy View gadget

Links Hierarchy View gadget

Simply provide the Issue key for the root element in the hierarchy:

For Jira Cloud

Available for Jira Cloud from version (7.1.1)

You can set editable or non-editable mode. In non-editable mode you can collapse depth levels, export to excel and view in dependency matrix or in issue navigator (“More” menu).

Editable mode: works in a similar way as before, except that now you can indicate to the hierarchy what filters and autoexpand you want to see when it is displayed.

Non-editable mode: the filter menus, autoexpand and "Reset configuration" option will not be displayed.

How does it work? . Every time you modify a filter or the autoexpand, they will be stored automatically if you are the owner of the dashboard or have permission to edit it.

About storage

Until now the configuration of the filters and autoexpand of the hierarchy was shared in all the places of the app where it appeared (Links Hierarchy View gadget, Issue Tab Panel, Dependency Table, Board Tracking...)

Now the Link Hierarchy View gadget stores its own configuration. So that you can modify filters, modify autoexpand and reset configuration on your gadget without affecting configuration elsewhere; and vice versa, you can modify filters, modify autoexpand and reset configuration on the Board Tracking, for example, without affecting your gadgets.

Read here detailed information about Links hierarchy tree view:


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