These queries allow displaying icons of issue types, statuses, and priorities
For this, you need to use a function named IMG()
The formula construction is: IMG(TableName.ICONURL, width,height)
For example: IMG(it.ICONURL,16,16) where:
“it” - alias for table ISSUETYPE
16,16 - width 16 px, height 16 px.
PROJECTNAME* is a tentative name in our queries. Please note that in your JQLs you need to use real names of your Projects, Users, Sprints ,etc.
Add Issue type icon
select IMG(it.ICONURL,16,16) as `Type`, LINKISSUE(i.`KEY`) as `Issue`
from ISSUE i
join ISSUETYPE it on it.ID=i.TYPEID
where JQL='project=PROJECTNAME'
Add a description to the Issue type icon
In this case, we gonna combine two functions IMG and CONCAT
CONCAT takes a variable number of string arguments and concatenates (or joins) them into a single string. It requires a minimum of two input values; otherwise, CONCAT will raise an error.
select IMG(it.ICONURL,16,16,CONCAT(it.NAME, ': ', it.DESCRIPTION)) as `Type`,
LINKISSUE(i.`KEY`) as `Issue`
from ISSUE i
join ISSUETYPE it on it.ID=i.TYPEID
where JQL='project=PROJECTNAME'
Add Priority icon
select LINKISSUE(i.`KEY`) as `Issue`,
IMG(ip.ICONURL,16,16 ) as `Priority`
from ISSUE i
where JQL='project=PROJECTNAME ORDER BY updated DESC'
Join Status Name and Status color through the function LOZENGESTATUS
Transforming each column that contains an Icon you,finally, receive a table kind of this: