SQL Cloud - Pivot Table

SQL Cloud - Pivot Table

This gadget technicaly works in the same way as Flat Table.

Has a function to switch on/off configurable mode where you can configurate the table and also represent it as a graphic.

What does it mean?

It means that The Pivot table can be set in configurable or non-configurable mode by the Owner of a Dashboard or by a User that has been granted permission to edit it (editor). And has two visual forms - Pivot Table, and Charts.

Please pay attention, that before setting “non-configurable mode”, you, as a Dashboard Owner or ‘editor’ need to construct pivot table and then switch off “configurable mode”.

Configurable mode

Non-configurable mode



To display Pivot table as a chart click the left sidebar and select type of chart that is needed.





Configurable mode

Non-configurable mode


Each element of a chart has active legend. Clicking on it - will display all data concerning to the selected parameter.


It also contain links on issues (if they are present in your query). Clicking on them gadget will redirect you to an issue page where you can see issues in detail.


Gadget has a “download results” function. It downloads files in XLS format and constructs a pivot table in your excel. The downloaded file has two sheets inside - a Pivot table, and a Flat table named “Data”.






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