Create HTTP links to Jira pages

Create HTTP links to Jira pages

Since the 5.1.1 version the plugin supports tow new H2 custom functions to help users to create links to Jira issue and project pages easier and embed them in HTML pages.

  • navigatorLink(String JQL): It builds a relative link to open the Issue Navigator page on Jira and perform the input JQL.
  • issueLink(String issueKey, String title, String target) : It builds an HTML Anchor element for a given issue key. Optionally, a link tooltip can be provided in the 2nd parameter as well as an anchor target (default it _top)
  • projectLink(String issueKey, String title, String target). Similar to the above function but for projects.
  • img(String source, String title, int width, int height). Creates and img HTML element 
  • anchor(String href, String text, String title, String target). Creates and anchor HTML element
  • escape(String text): escapes HTML special characters
  • absoluteUrl(String path): transforms any Jira relative path into an absolute URL. 
  • contextPath() 

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