Formatting natural and work time
The packed H2 database engine provides a lot of built-in functions to help users to format the data output as well as to perform calculations. A complete list of the supported functions is available at:
Work vs Natural time units
Timestamp and date columns are always in natural days (24 hours/day and 7 days/week) so, to calculate the interval between two days, you can use the H2 built-in DATEDIFF function:
I.e: interval time between the issue modified and created dates:
select DATEDIFF('MILLISECOND', created, updated) from ISSUES where id = 10000
It returns the difference in milliseconds. You might want to show the results in a human-readable string like: "7w 5d 12h 19m" similar to the JIRA pattern.
However, Jira stores users' work logs in busines/work time (a long number in seconds)
The plugin's built-in FORMATDURATIONNATURAL(BIGINT time) function expects a time difference in natural milliseconds:
select FORMATDURATIONNNATURAL(DATEDIFF('MILLISECOND', created, updated)) from ISSUES where id = 10000
where 1 hour has 60m minutes, 1 day has 24 hours and 1 week has 7 days.
FORMATDURATION (for users's work logs)
On the other hand, JIRA stores users' work logs as well as other work time units like estimated time, spend time, remaining time, etc. in a long number value in seconds. Furthermore, they are based on the working calendar configuration on JIRA usually: 8 hours / day and 5 days / week.
The plugin's built-in FORMATDURATION(BIGINT time, BOOLEAN shortPattern) function invokes the Jira API to transform working time units into human-readable strings. The result is in business time units.
The second parameter allows switching the output among the long output: 3 weeks, 2 days, 1 hours and the short output: 3w 2d 1h. It also takes into consideration the working days calendar.
It just invokes the JIRA Java API.
select formatduration(originalestimate, true) from issues where id=10000
You might want to transform natural time into work units (or vice versa) with this rough formula:
(1.0/1000) * (8/24) * (5/7) natural = work
Note the decimal in at least one number (1.0 in this case) to force to work with double rather than the long Java type. Otherwise, you might get 0 (zero).
The formula transforms milliseconds into seconds (1.0/1000), natural into work hours (8/24) and natural weeks into working weeks (without weekends). The formula works pretty fine for a large period of times (like months) and quite bad for very short periods (like minutes)
We provide two built-in functions to make such transformation:
They allow converting time intervals from natural to business units and vice-versa according to the rough formula above.
Progress bar
The function
progressBar(BIGINT TimeSpent, BIGINT Remaining, BIGINT OriginalEstimate)
builds an HTML bar to display progress.
TimeSpent is painted in RED or GREEN depending if it is OVER or UNDER the OriginalEstimate
Remaining is painted in LIGHT RED or GRAY if it is OVER or UNDER the OriginalEstimate
OriginalEstimate is painted BLUE if it exceeds > TimeSpent + Remaining