Changelog (Server & Data Center)

Changelog (Server & Data Center)

7.3.4 (Security release)

Update of third-party libraries. Please read the security bulletin for more information.


  • Jira 9 compatibility

7.3.2 (Security release)

The URL parameters for "Dependency Table by Jql" have been protected against possible XSS attacks. Please read the security bulletin for more information.

7.3.1 (Security release)

Dependency Table by Jql ("View on - Dependency Table" option of the Tree View menu ) has been protected against possible XSS attacks. Please read the security bulletin for more information.


  • Bug fix: Tooltips not working in "Links Dependency Table View" gadget.
  • Bug fix: Subquery filter not working for "Board Tracking" on kanban boards.
  • Bug fix: "Time in Status" not working correctly in the expand view of the hierarchy when clicking on multiple statuses.


  • Bug fix: 'Time in Status' not working in 'Links Matrix View' gadget. Jira versions affected from 7.0.x to 7.8.x


  • Fixed the loss of sprints (and versions) in the selects fields of the Board Tracking for those boards that has many sprints (+100)


  • Performance improvement by obtaining the Time in Status of the issues.



  • Jira 8.17 compatibility


  • Fixed some minor bugs.


  • IMPROVEMENT - Editable and non-editable mode for "Link Hierarchy View" and "Link Matrix View" gadgets.
    Now you can configure the gadgets to your liking so that they always show the same information.

  • Fixed minor bugs.

7.0.0 (Major release)

  • NEW - Board Tracking

  • REMOVED - The Network Graph View
  • IMPROVEMENT - expand/collapse level in Hierarchy in one go(higher speed and performance).
  • CHANGE - Renamed "Pivot Table" to "Dependency Table"
    • Dependency Table -> Portfolio, Epic and Subtask links with colors.
    • Dependency Table -> Tooltip at the beginning and midpoint of the links.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

6.1.1 (Security fix)

The atl_token is now required from a lot of locations to prevent CSRF attacks. Please read the security bulletin for more information.


NEW: New option Export to Pivot Table available on the Tree view menu: it loads the current visible issues from the Tree view into a Pivot Table view for further analytics. In this way, it is very straightforward to analyze Epic & Portfolio hierarchies (or whatever issue) from a lot of dimensions.

6.0.0 (Major release)

  • Arcs between issues are come back (instead of rectilinear lines) on the Tree View. 


  • A few more optimizations applied to the built-in JQL functions.
  • Avoid using as much as possible the getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(Class) function as it might cause performance issues on rare instances as described in the Atlassian's API documentaion.

  • New configuration parameter to set a timeout for all the built-in JQLs. By default, it is set to one minute, but it can be configured by the Jira administrators. Please, read the Troubleshooting guide for more details. 


  • FIX: Status lozenge colors match now always the Jira colors
  • IMPROV: Matrix performance has been improved and now it is drawn up to 30% faster. These are the results of our benchmarks:

MATRIX 100x100
BrowserTime Old VersionTime New VersionImprovement
Chrome10-11 s7-8 s3s
Mozilla9-10 s6-7 s3s
Opera10-11 s7-8 s3s
Edge17-20 s10-11 s7-9 s
IE23-24 s15-16 s8-9 s
  • And other minor  bug fixes...


  • IMPROV: Exporting matrixes to Excel is faster now
  • IMPROV: Built-in JQLs' (with applied filters on them) performance improved
  • IMPROV: New button for Full Screen for network graph and tree views
  • IMPROV: The network graph and tree views are resized to smaller when fewer data are displayed.
  • IMPROV: The lines between nodes in the tree view are now rectilineal instead of curved arcs. This will improve scrolling performance a lot when hundreds of issues are displayed.


  • FIX: Jira UI broken with IE11 (Bug introduced in previous version 5.3.3)


  • IMPROV: Export to Excel re-engineered from scratch. No more network errors. No more URL configurations. Up to twice faster.
  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Fix: Conflict with third party plugins using an incompatible D3 javascript library version ( I.e: Structure). Links Hierarchy shows no data (only the menu).


  • FIX: On some databases, the 5.3.0 version of the app stops to work as there is a column doubled indexed which might cause issues.


  • IMPROV: Reversed Links. In Jira, link directions are essentially arbitrary as they have no impact anywhere except how the link labels are named and displayed. However, link directions are critical in Links Hierarchy app since it computes inward progress only from the root. Therefore, some link-types contributions are missed by the users as they are not computed. This new feature allows the administrators to reverse the link directions right within the app only while the original direction is preserved in the rest of Jira. In this way, the administrators can make some like types to contribute to progress in the expected way.


Jira Software supports a link type named Issue Split to split stories into new ones,

In this dialog, the SSP-1 issue is going to be split into "One" and "Two"

This is how the split issues are displayed by default:

The new "one" and "two" children are linked in the outward direction. They do not contribute to their parent.

Thanks to this new feature, Jira administrators can reverse the link behavior in the app (they will continue working in the default mode in the resto of Jira):

When the link type is reversed, the inward and the outward directions are switched right within the app. This makes the children contribute progress to their natural parents:

Note that the "split from" (inward direction) overtakes the "split to" (outward direction) when they are displayed.


  • FIX: Large menus are partially hidden. Now they show a vertical scroll bar
  • IMPROV: New Project and Numeric Custom Field filters. The custom field values are displayed and summarized up too:


  • IMPROV: The performance of the tree view has been improved a lot. It is very noticeable loading the full tree for large hierarchies from the 5-7 depth level and beyond.
  • IMPROV: Multiple contributions are now balanced in the tree view producing more consistent data visualizations.

This affects the issues with bifurcations contributing to other issues by more than one way. IN the example below, the DEMO-4 issues blocks the DEMO-2 and the DEMO-3 issues.

The previous versions cared about the root only causing inconsistency in the intermediate levels: 

See how the DEMO-4 issue contributes to the root via the DEMO-2 issue only (100% contribution) and none via de DEMO-3 issue (0% contribution). However, the DEMO-4 issue is inconsistent as it is completed with 100% progress first., and no progress later.

Now, this has been improved by displaying consistency among all the issues:

See how that the DEMO-4 is 100% resolved in both places and it contributes in a balanced way: 50% via the DEMO-2 and 50% via the DEMO-3 issues. And the link is painted with orange color to highlight a partial/balanced contribution.

Whereas the calculation is the same from the root issue perspective, now everything is more coherent and easy to understand. 


  • IMPROV: Epics and Portfolio Hierarchies are now displayed on the Network Graphs. Read more...

  • IMPROV: Now JQL functions and the rest of the views avoid loading unnecessary data improving performance.
  • FIX: Some bug fixes when links are created from the Matrix view.


  • Support for filters (link type, issue type and resolved) is coming back to Network Graphs

  • Fixed a number of bugs affecting mainly to network graphs


  • Links Hierarchy has been approved by Atlassian for Data Center.


  • Support for Jira 8
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Support for Dynamic Progress Roll Up.The hierarchy shows summarized effort for: resolved vs unresolved, story points and users' work logs in a very dynamic, and flexible way.


  • New feature: Support for Porfolio hierarchies.
  • Improvement: Display story point on issues
  • Fix: Scrolling not working from Jira 7.10+
  • Fix: Missing tooltips on issue links


  • Fix. Selected issue and link types are now persisted and applied on next visualizations automatically.
  • Improv: Support for 4th auto-expand level


  • Fix: tree hierarchical view not displayed under some configurations
  • Fix: missing end symbol in network graph arrows
  • Improv: admins' troubleshooting forms are now hidden by default.

4.2.0 Support for gadgets

  • Now it is possible add links hierarchy and matrix views to Jira Dashboards and Confluence pages. Read more...

4.1.12 Support for performance setting tuning

  • In this version, it is possible to set some advanced performance parameters to display large hierarchies (timeout errors in logs)

4.1.11 Maintenance release

  • Fix: Export to Excel a lot of issues can cause a 400 error and no data in the file. Now  it is possible to export an unlimited amount of issues.
  • Fix: (Jira 7.2+) Some special characters (UTF8) can break the Excel content (ANSI)
  • Fix: The Autoexpand one level button did not work under some circumstances
  • Fix: Local Url not saved
  • Improv: Local URL supports now any domain name instead of localhost and only for compatibility with SSL certificates.
  • Improv: (Jira 7.2+) Automatic detection of the Issue Key column. It is no longer required that it be placed at the 2nd column.
  • Fix: Under some circumstances, the hierarchy did not display all the data due an unexpected null value

4.1.10a Fix error in Agile Dashboards (and Blank Tree and Network Graph views)

There was a conflict with one variable name. We have changed the name in hundred places in version 4.1.10, tested the app etc. Unfortunately, the name was not replaced in one line causing the tree and network views gone broken. This release fixes both issues: the agile Board error and the Tree and Network blank views. Apologies for the inconveniences.

4.1.9 Fix: Export to Excel results in 404 HTTP Error

A new configuration parameter (Jira local Url) is supported to avoid to configure domain names resolutions to export to Excel. Please read the Install and Configure documentation for more details.

4.1.8 Fix: Error panel in tree hierarchy view

4.1.7 (cumulative changes since the 4.0.19 version) 

  • IMPROV: It tries to load the full network graph which will work in most cases. If it is too large and it consumes excessive JIRA resources (memory, CPU,threads, etc.), the plugin might not display the full the network graph at a glance and let the users load incomplete nodes. So users will always able to view the network graph regardless its size.
  • IMPROV: Support Sprint Status on network graphs.
  • FIX: Export to Excel fully works for JIRA 7.2  and above after Atlassian dropped support for export  to Excel and replaced it with CSV files.
  • FIX: the More menu is now fully visible always.
  • FIX: Internet Explorer 11: missing arrows on the network graph
  • IMPROV: Documentation is now online instead of PDF.
  • FIX: Different results in JQL functions vs Tree Hierarchy View: In previous versions, the JQL filters were applied during the tree building to improve performance. Now, the tree is fully built and then the filters applied later on it which is the way it works for the view, so they should be produce the same results now.
  • IMPROV: Nicer and lesser disruptive tooltips on the Trew view node elements (icons and texts)
  • FIX: A bug affecting license validation has been fixed. Under some circumstances the plugin stops to work even if a commercial license is installed.
  • FIX: More robust code on Agile Boards to avoid Error messages which might impact on the Board usability. The Javascript library upgraded in 4.1.0 version causing issues has been rolled back to keep compatibility with 4.0.19 and earlier versions.

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